Chiropractic care is very effective in treating trauma caused by automobile and work related accidents.
However, the entire family can benefit from exams and preventive care of the spine. Most insurances plans are accepted ands discounts are offered...
CHS Specializes in Helping Patients With:
• Back Pain
• Neck Pain
• Headaches
• Joint Pain
Though Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Holistic health Care we can treat your Health Today!
Chiropractic is based on the science fact that your nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. The primary course of care will be specific chiropractic adjustments. This will help return individual spinal bones to their proper motion and position, thus restoring health to specific body functions.
The healing power of
the hands is an
ancient practice that
has existed in all
The healing power of
the hands is an
ancient practice that
has existed in all
Your body responds
to what you put in it. If
you put crude oil in your engine, it will run
harmony is achieved
only when two
primordial forces, Yin & Yang, are brought
into perfect balance.